Thursday, April 16, 2009

This Monkey cake was a BEAR to bake!

I have to say, this was one of my favorite cakes so far, but he really tried my patience. Ever try to bake and decorate a cake around naptimes? I spent most of the day trying to find things to entertain the little monkey so that I could work on his cake.

Handsome birthday boy

If he looks a little wigged out it's because the poor guy had an ear infection :( But he held his own and had a lot of fun, bless his little heart.

Will's 2nd Birthday

Geez, the kid needed a haircut! Could he BE any cuter though, really?

Wow, how can I be this far behind?

So I came on to update my blog with Will's 2nd birthday pictures and I am shocked to realize that it's been a whole YEAR since I've updated! Holy cow! Sorry, but I guess keeping the kids alive and surviving college is keeping me busy. I will try to do better. So for now, here's an overload of pictures. ;)